Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Launches AAR in Victoria, Seychelles

EASF launched in Victoria, Seychelles, its After Action Review (AAR) of the Command Post Exercise (CPX) 2022, on 6 June 2022. The aim of the five-day AAR is to evaluate the conduct of the EASF CPX-2022 which was conducted in March 2022. It will deliberate on the findings from the First Impression Report, enrich it, and draw lessons for future similar exercises as well as for EASF as an organization..

The AAR was opened officially by the Guest of Honor H.E. Mr. Roy Fonseka, Minister of Internal Affairs of Seychelles. In his address, the Minister said that the After Action Review came at a time when the Eastern Africa region faces numerous conflicts and challenges stretching from the Great Lakes Region to the Horn of Africa. He added: “Lessons learnt from the AAR should be used to build a credible integrated multidimensional and multinational standby force capable of delivering Peace and Security within the Eastern Africa region as well as in the continent.”

The Joint Chief of Staff (JCOS), Brig Gen (PSC) Dr. Osman Mohamed Abbas, also made remarks at the opening ceremony. In his remarks, he thanked the People and Government of the Republic of Seychelles for accepting to host the AAR. He highlited the aim of the AAR. He said: “The purpose is to assess how the CPX 2022 was conducted by allowing the planners and the exercise participants to reflect on what happened, in a bid do draw lessons from it, identify gaps and design an action plan for the future management of the EASF.”

The CPX-2022 AAR which engages 35 participants from EASF Member States, EASF staff and representatives from the African Union is expected to continue through the week to 10 June 2022. The AAR was financed by the African Union through APSA.

Photo Gallery:AAR in Seychelles

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