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Director's Corner
The Director EASF
Brig Paul Kahuria Njema.
Training Exercises
- CPX 2022, Kenya
- FTX 2017, Sudan
- CPX 2014, Ethiopia
- FTX 2013, Uganda
- CPX 2011, Sudan
- FTX 2009, Djibouti
- CPX 2008, Kenya
EASF Day Uganda 2017
Photo Gallery of the EASF Open Day 2017 in Kampala, Uganda.
- EASF DirectorThe EASF Director, Amb. Issimail Chanfi holds talks with EASF Day participants
- Joint Chief of Staff (JCoS)EASF JCoS (2nd fr. right) with EASF members of staff
- EASF Day BannerThe banner carries the Open Day message
- EASF DirectorThe EASF Director gives a speech before the start of the Peace Walk
- Flag OffThe Peace Walk is flagged off by a senior government official from Uganda
- The StartEASF flag flies high in the streets of Kampala city
- The BandThe Military band with its tools of trade gives the day its appropriate importance
- MultidimensionalityCivilians, police and military taking part in the open day's events
- EASF StaffFour members of EASF staff taking part in the Peace Walk
- Walking for PeaceHead of Peace Operations' Department (2nd fr. left) and Liaison & Information Officer (2nd fr. right)
- EASF Senior OfficialsJCoS (2nd fr. left) and Head of Administration and Finance (on JCoS' left)
- The WalkIt is pomp and color along the streets of Kampala
- EASF StaffTwo members of staff during the walk
- EASF StaffParticipants gracefully pacing together in the name of peace
- The BandThe message of peace is in the resonating melodies
- The WalkThe walk continues inspite of the hot tropical sunshine
- First Head of Civilian ComponentMs. Amanda Magambo, the first Head of EASF's Civilian Component
- Stakeholders in Matters of PeaceUniversity students take part in the Peace Walk
- Stakeholders in Matters of PeaceThe future is only feasible if peace prevails today
- The WalkIt is a long walk and the message is shared with the citizens
- The BannerEASF Open Days provide platforms for engaging the citizens of Eastern Africa in matters of peace
- EASF MediaA member of the EASF Media documents the day's events
- MultinationalThe Open Day attracts guests from many parts of the world
- South AfricaMilitary officials from South Africa during the Open Day
- DiscussionThe EASF Director (right), conversing with immediate former Danish Technical Advisor to EASF (left)
- EASF AlumniThe former Head of Liaison (2nd fr. left) during the occasion
- Heavy AttendanceThe event attracted many participants from all walks of life
- EASF Technical AdvisorThe Swedish Technical Advisor to EASF (left) converses with a guest
- The YouthAs leaders of tomorrow, the youth are larger stakeholders in matters of peace
- Great AttendanceThe chosen conference room could accomodate many more participants
- Former Danish Technical Advisor to EASFThe newly appointed Danish Defence Attache to Kenya (right) who is now also the Chairman of Friends of EASF
- Informative Open DayThe Open Day is a forum to demystify the operations of the regional peacekeeping force
- EASF StaffA member of staff during the occassion
- University StudentsMany show keen interest in matters of peace
- University StudentsTaking notes for further reference
- Ugandan OfficialOne of the key speakers of the day
- Ugandan OfficialA former EASF Director from Uganda addresses the participants
- Ugandan OfficialAnother of the day's speakers
- The AnthemGuests stand to attention as the Ugandan National Anthem is played
- GuestsFormer EASF Head of Liaison Department (front)
Language/La langue/لغة
ADVERT Prequalification - Invitation for Suppliers for the Period 2025-2026
Click here to Access the Document.
ADVERT Tender Invitation - EASF Group Medical Cover for the Period 2025-2026
Click here to Access the Document.
EASF Annual Report 2023
Click here to Access the EASF Annual Report 2023.
Joint Statement by AU and EASF Elections Observer Mission in Comoros 2024
Click here to Access the Document
EASF Newsletter CPX 2022
Click here to Access the CPX Newsletter.
EASF Annual Report 2022
Click here to Access the EASF Annual Report 2022.
Elections in Rwanda 2024
- EASF-EOM Arrival Statement in Rwanda
- EASF-EOM Preliminary Statement by Head of the Mission