Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Participates in AU Commission's Meeting

The Easter Africa Standby Force took part in a high level meeting on Peace Operations Training and Capacity Building themed "African Perspectives on Innovative Capacity Building for Effective Peace Operations" in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 3rd May 2018. Representing the Standby Force at the meeting was the Director, Dr. Abdillahi Omar Bouh.

The meeting, organized by the African Union Commission and the Government of New Zealand, was a precursor to the 24th Annual Conference of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centers (IAPTC) that will be held in Auckland, New Zealand in October 2018.

The October meeting will provide a forum for the African Union Commission, the United Nations, training institutions, and troop/police contributing countries to share expertise and lessons learned from African Peace Support Operations (PSOs). This is expected to broaden engagement and discussions on PSOs and capacity building with a central focus on Africa.

A day later, the Director was invited to chair the closing ceremony of the Integrated Mission Planning Course (IMPC) which has been going on at the Logistics base in Addis Ababa for the last two weeks. He thanked the Government of Ethiopia for hosting the course which is yet another milestone in EASF's calendar of achievements.

Dr. Bouh emphasized on the importance the leadership of EASF in collaboration with  Member States in strengthening cooperation and extend the common ground in order to build an effective framework for Integrated Mission Planning (IMP) Process during Peace Support Operations.

The Director expressed his gratitude to the African union for funding the course, all EASF partners and Technical Advisors present, participants, EASF Member States and course planners for their valuable contributions which culminated into the successful conclusion of the course.


    Photo Gallery: EASF in AU Meeting and the IMP Course Closure

Sunday the 16th. Developed & Powered by EASF