Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Riara University Students visit EASF Headquarters

StudentsStudents from Riara University in Nairobi paid a courtesy call to the EASF headquarters in Karen, Nairobi on 20th May 2016. During the first EASF Open Day in Nairobi, participating students from local

universities had shown keen interest in the activities of this regional multidimensional peacekeeping organization. 

On the day of the visit, the students posed a number of intriguing questions to EASF Members of Staff present. As future leaders, they wanted to know how they can positively contribute to peace and stability on the African continent.

Among those present to receive and address the students included the EASF Military Advisor to the Director, The Information Manager and Members of Staff from the Planning Element.


Picture Gallery of Riara University's Visit to EASF HQ

Friday the 18th. Developed & Powered by EASF