Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Bids Farewell to Danish Technical Advisor

Week 13 of the year 2017 saw EASF bid farewell to the Danish Technical Advisor, Colonel Joern Rasmussen. During the last four years of service, Col. Rasmussen (working under the Nordic Advisory and Coordination Staff - NACS) has initiated and supported a number of projects which have added immense value to further development of the organization.

Under the umbrella of NACS, the high profile military officer played a pivotal role in the procurement of the Forward Force Headquarters Start-Up-Kit in December 2015. Col. Rasmussen has also been one of the key architects of the EASF Communication and Advocacy Strategy 2015-2017, a foundation upon which Information section of the Peace Operations Department has broadened. In this area, he was at the centerpoint in rolling out all EASF Open Days in Member States (See module, right of this page) and spearheading the EASF Promotion Team (See module "Meeting EASF") which aims at meeting groups interested in knowing more about peace support operations. The introduction of periodical Management's Spokesperson Trainings was another humble initiative of the Technical Advisor.  

Col. Rasmussen was also at the centerstage of facilitating the a Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and EASF in September 2016. He organised exchange visits between Heads of EASF Planning Element and officers in Denmark aimed at strengthening the exchange of valuable ideas. He also organised a number of high level delegation visits from Denmark to EASF Secretariat.

Col Rasmussen initiated the procurement of the Forward Force Headquarters' Communication Information Systems (CIS) Equipment which will ensure that an EASF Force can communicate effectively in PSOs on the continent of Africa. Other projects rolled out by NACS under his supervision include upgrading of the EASF Local Area Network Infrastructure (LAN), strengthening the Maritime Cell and support for Early Warning Systems under Peace Operations Department.

Col. Rasmussen has been appointed the Defence Attache at the Embassy of Denmark in Nairobi and the new Chairperson of Friends of EASF.   


Wednesday the 12th. Developed & Powered by EASF