Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Indian NDC Commends EASF on Peace Keeping Initiatives

A delegation from the Indian National Defence College (INDC) conducted a study visit of the Eastern Africa Standby Force at the Secretariat in Karen, Nairobi on 23rd May 2017.

The growth of the regional peacekeeping force coupled with its drive to train and maintain adequate capacities well equipped to effectively roll out Peace Support Operations has generated a lot of interest within the African continent and beyond.

The Head of Peace Operations' Department delivered an elaborate insight into the journey EASF has walked ever since its inception up to the present state. The organization's attainment of Full Operational Capability (FOC) in December 2014 was an important milestone which confirms that EASF is in a position to plan and initiate force generation, deployment, sustainment and recovery of a multi-national and multi-dimensional force.  

The INDC delegation was led by Mr. Shri Anwar Haleem who is the Senior Directing Staff of the Indian Foreign Service.


Photogallery: Indian NDC Visits EASF

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