Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Police Component Launches Mid-Level Management Course

The EASF Police Component rolled out a two week Mid-Level Management Course running from Monday 19th to Friday 30th June 2017 in Mombasa, Kenya.

The course seeks to continuously develop and maintain the Operational Capability (FOC)

attained in December 2014 through capacity development.

The attainment of this milestone will enable the EASF Police Component deploy well trained mid-level managers from its 10 Member States in a multinational/multidimensional Peace Support Operation (PSO) should need arise. Periodically, EASF runs a training evaluation matrix and is able to identify shortfalls in training areas which need to be addressed in order to maintain a well-balanced multidimensional Standby Force.

During the opening ceremony, the EASF Head of Police Component, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Dinah Kyasiimire, thanked EASF Member States for availing skilled officers to attend this course. She reflected on the gains made by the Component ever since EASF attained its FOC underlining the importance of high level management practices in operational scenarios. ACP Kyasiimire maintained that the outcome of any PSO largely depends on approaches adopted by management teams - which are steered by knowledge and experiences gained over time. The two week course would therefore lay a sound foundation upon which the officers would be expected to build on, in course of time in their home countries.

Those present during the opening ceremony included twenty trainees from Burundi, Comoros, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan and Uganda. There were five trainers from the region and one from Denmark. The course is fully supported by the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark.


Photo Gallery: Police Mid-Level Management Course is Rolled Out

Friday the 18th. Developed & Powered by EASF