Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

NATO Representatives Visit EASF Force Headquarters

A delegation of NATO Officers headed by Captain (N) Yusuf Akyüz paid the EASF Force Headquarters and Logistics Base in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, a visit on 7th March 2018.

The visit aimed at introducing the new NATO Team which has been assigned to the African Union to the regional peace-keeper. The Eastern Africa Standby Force is one of the five regional Standby Forces working under the umbrella of the African Union in matters of peace and security on the African continent.

After welcoming the guests on behalf of the entire EASF fraternity, the Force Commander, Brigadier General Alaadin Osman Mirghani briefed the delegation on the progress of the organization since its inception in 2004. He outlined the major milestones EASF has achieved including the recently concluded Field Training Exercise (FTX) 2017 which took place between 20th November and 6th December 2017 in the Republic of the Sudan.

The NATO delegation expressed great willingness to work with EASF in many areas.

During the meeting, the Force Commander was accompanied by the Chief of Staff, Log Base, Colonel Godwin Karugaba and Commandant, Logistics Training Center, Colonel Chaharane Mogne.


Photogallery: NATO Representatives Visit EASF Force Headquarters

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