Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Augments Partnerships with Ambassadors and Friends

Her Excellency Ambassador Mette Knudsen (Danish Ambassador to Kenya), hosted Ambassadors/High Commissioners and Defence Attaches of over 19 countries affiliated to Kenya at a breakfast meeting in her residence on the morning of 20th March 2018.

The meeting brought together Friends of EASF with the aim of enhancing the common ambition for the organization as a regional mechanism for peace, stability and security by discussing ways to support EASF to enhance its capacity for efficient and effective responses to emerging crises.  The EASF team was led by the Director, Dr Abdillahi Omar Bouh, accompanied by the Head of Peace Operations Department, Brigadier Albert Kendagor and Military Assistant to Director, Lt Colonel David Chesire.

Discussions on the table included the current status of EASF, possible security threat scenarios in the region and future perspectives with regard to EASF's capacity development to respond to such threats. Possibilities to broaden EASF's mandate to intervene in humanitarian and disaster situations were also discussed, as well as the need to enhance the regional peace-keeper's capacity in strategic airlift and maritime security capability.

Ambassador Knudsen expressed appreciation of EASF on the role it is currently playing as a rapid and preventive deployment Standby Force. The forum presented an opportunity for organization to share information on its growth and achievements, including serving as a platform for regional integration and cooperation.

The countries represented during the meeting included Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Malawi, Netherlands, Norway, Rwanda, Sweden, Somalia, Turkey, UK and USA.

 Photo-Gallery: EASF Augments Partnerships with Ambassadors and Friends

Thursday the 13th. Developed & Powered by EASF