Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

UN/AU Police Officers Trainers Workshop Comes to a Close

Course ParticipantsThe Eastern Africa Standby Force Police Component held United Nations/African Union Police Officers Course (UN/AUPOC) Trainers Workshop, week 13 of 2019 in Mombasa, Kenya. The workshop aimed at evaluating the EASF Police training activities carried out in 2018 as well as plan on the best way to implement the activities for 2019.


EASF Launches First Civilian Foundation Course 2019

Course ParticipantsThe Eastern Africa Standby Force rolled out a two weeks' Civilian Peace Support Operations (PSO) Foundation Course on 1st April 2019 at the Humanitarian Peace Support School (HPSS) in Embakasi, Nairobi, Kenya.


EASF Receives Satellite Communications Equipment

The Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, together with the United Kingdom presented the Command & Control Communications Information Systems (C2CIS) equipment to Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF), on 28th March 2019 at the Secretariat in Nairobi, Kenya.


Director Meets Burundi Member of Parliament

The EASF Director Dr. Abdilahi Omar Bouh held an important meeting with Honorable Nshimirimana Georges, a Member of Burundian Parliament on 26th March 2019 in Bujumbura, Burundi.


AU, COMESA & EASF Release Joint Preliminary Statement on Comoros Elections

The much anticipated Joint Preliminary Statement was delivered on the 25th of March 2019, one day after polling day,tolocal and international press, members of the election commission (CENI), local and international election observer


A Word of Appreciation on Mission Accomplishment

The Head of EASF Elections Observations Mission to Comoros who is the former Burundi Minister for Defence, Lt Gen. (RTD) Germaine Niyoyankana, the Deputy Head of Mission who is also the current Head of EASF Civilian Component Mr. Steve Lalande and the EASF Management Team



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