Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

More instructors certified on Integrated Mission Planning

A group of nineteen instructors from Comoros, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Seychelles, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda have completed the Eastern Africa Instructors Certification Course, which was held from 13 to 23 November at the Peace and Conflict Studies School, Nairobi, Kenya.

Funded by Denmark, the Course closing ceremony and presentation of certificates was held on the 23rd November at the Peace and Conflict Studies School. According to Mr. Peter Zartsdahl, the Course Director, the instructor’s certification course is a high standard certification course where the participants have to complete the rigorous examination process before being certified as a facilitator on the Integrated Mission Planning Course (IMPC).

Led by a highly proficient Nordic Team of Female AMS facilitators from Norway and Denmark, the 4 facilitators enhanced the students (trainers) competencies and skills, which increased the EASF Regional Training capacities.

The Lead Facilitator, Captain Betty Kakai from Uganda, points out that the Integrated Mission Planning Instructors Certification Course is aimed at setting a high standard for the delivery of the IMPC and to certified regional and continental facilitators who can effectively deliver on the IMPC.

Ms Alissa Perine, one of the newly certified Instructors from the Republic of Seychelles, said that the knowledge and skills gained from the certification course will be beneficial in her career path

The IMPC focuses on preparing civilians, police and military to work in an integrated approach especially during mission planning whilst also learning various tools and materials beneficial for effective planning. This course is geared at preparing participants for participation in an Integrated Mission Headquarter Joint Planning Group or an Integrated Mission Planning Team, and for taking up positions in an Integrated Mission Headquarter during PSO.

The IMPC familiarized participants with the Integrated Mission Planning Process and provided them with tools to conduct mission planning at the operational level, where military, civilian, police are integrated.

Photo Gallery: instructors certified on Integrated Mission Planning

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