Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Summit on Burundi

The President of the Federal Government of the Republic of Somalia chairing the meeting.Heads of State and Government of the EASF Member States met on 30 January 2016 in the capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, to discuss the situation in Burundi.

[Communiqué in English]       [Communiqué in French]

CPX 2014

13th  – 22nd November 2014, Adama, Ethiopia

EASF conducted a Command Post Exercise (CPX) in Adama, Ethiopia from 13th to 22nd November 2014. The CPX aimed at exercising a multidimensional Mission Headquarters in planning, preparation and execution of a peace-keeping mission.

The main objective was to practice the training audience in the integrated mission planning, command, control and execution of a complex peace support operation. The Exercise also provided an opportunity for EASF to validate its readiness for Full Operational Capability (FOC).

Key Documents Participation

1. CPX Brief
2. Draft Programme
3. Key Exercise Appointments

EASF has ten active Member States which showed great commitment to own and to support the Exercise by participating actively in the entire preparation and execution process. A total of two hundred and ninety nine (299) participants consisting of military, police and civilian components, had been planned to participate.

In addition, the Exercise attracted participation from Government officials from the Host Nation itself, Local government, Friends and Partners of EASF, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Civil society, Academia and the General Public

CPX Planning

Initial Planning Conference



Picture Gallery of CPX 2014, Adama, Ethiopia


Exercise “MASHARIKI SALAM 2013” was a multi-dimensional Field Training Exercise (FTX) set to test EASF on its path towards Full Operational Capability (FOC) by 2015. FTX 2013 was conducted from 19th – 25th May 2013 in Jinja, Uganda with 1,290 participants (military, police, and civilian). 



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