Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Condoles with the Union of Comoros

The entire Eastern Africa Standby Force fraternity would hereby like to send its deepest condolences to the Government, family and the people of the Union of Comoros upon the passing away of the Grand


EASF Delegation Concludes Official Visit to Somalia

An EASF delegation of three, headed by the Director, Dr. Abdillahi Omar Bouh, concluded an official three-day visit to the Republic of Somalia on 17th March 2020.


EASF in Solidarity with Member States affected by COVID-19

New cases of the novel coronavirus that emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in late December are being reported daily around the world. Sadly, some of the East African countries have not been spared from this infectious disease.


Extra-Ordinary Policy Organs' Meetings Conclude

The EASF's 17th Extra-Ordinary Policy Organs Meetings came to a successful conclusion on 5th March 2020 in Moroni, Comoros.


Danish Delegation Visits EASF Secretariat

The Chairperson and Chair Committee of the Danish Parliamentary Presidium paid a visit to EASF on 4th March 2020 to receive an update about the Danish Peace Stabilization Project, including EASF and the development EASF has achieved during the last 15 years.


Committee of Chiefs of Defence Staff in Moroni

The Eastern Africa Standby Force’s Committee of Chiefs of Defence and Security met in Moroni for the 17th Extra-Ordinary Session of Policy Organs Meetings, which kicked off on 3rd March 2020 in the Union of Comoros.


UK's Military Delegation Calls on Director

A military delegation from the United Kingdom paid a courtesy call on EASF's Director Dr. Abdillahi Omar Bouh at the Secretariat in Karen, Nairobi, on Friday 28th February 2020.


Kenya Defence Officials Visit EASF Secretariat

A delegation from Kenya's Ministry of Defence led by Chief Administrative Secretary Hon. Peter O. Odoyo paid a visit to the EASF Secretariat in Karen, Nairobi on 25th February 2020.


Director’s Courtesy Call on Saudi’s Ambassador

An EASF Delegation, led by the Director Dr. Abdillahi Omar Bouh, paid a courtesy call to Saudi's Ambassador to Kenya, H.E. Amb. Dr. Mohammed A. Khayat on Friday 21st February 2020 at the Embassy premises at Muthaiga, Nairobi.


EASF Leadership Calls on New Ethiopian CDF

A team from EASF Management paid a courtesy call to the newly appointed Ethiopian Chief of Defence Forces, General Adem Mohammed on 12th February 2020 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.



Friday the 20th. Developed & Powered by EASF