Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Camera-persons' Training Comes to an End

A camera-persons training course organized by the Peace Operations Department of the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) ended on Thursday 18th April, 2019. A total of 8 participants attended the course which was held at Country House Inn, in Nairobi, Kenya.


United Nations Military Experts on Missions Course Concludes

A two week United Nations Military Experts on Missions Course which started on 8th April 2019 came to a successful conclusion on 18th April 2019 at the Ethiopia Peace Keeping Training Center in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.


Statement of the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) on the Situation in Sudan

Nairobi, 18 April 2019: The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) is following the current situation in the Republic of The Sudan and expresses its solidarity with the Sudanese people.


Maritime Course Participants Visit Spanish Warship

Officers from EASF Member States taking part in the Maritime Course in Victoria, Seychelles, are reporting that considerable progress has been made during the already covered theoretical and practical sessions.


Maritime Operational Planning Course Starts

The Eastern Africa Standby Force launched a two-week Maritime Operational Planning Course in Victoria, Seychelles on 8th April 2019.


Police Workshop in Seychelles Comes to a Close

A four-day EASF Police Points of Contact Workshop that was opened on 3rd April came to a successful conclusion on Saturday, 6th May 2019 in Victoria, Seychelles. The aim of the workshop was to update the participants on achievements, progress


Uganda Senior Command Staff College Visits FHQs

The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) Force Headquarters(FHQs) received Ugandan Senior Command and Staff College Officers in the first week of April 2019, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Open Source Intelligence Training Concludes

Course ParticipantsAs part of operationalization of the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) Early Warning Mechanism (E-WARN), a one-week Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) training was started on Monday, 1st April 2019, at International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) in Nairobi, Kenya.


UN/AU Police Officers Trainers Workshop Comes to a Close

Course ParticipantsThe Eastern Africa Standby Force Police Component held United Nations/African Union Police Officers Course (UN/AUPOC) Trainers Workshop, week 13 of 2019 in Mombasa, Kenya. The workshop aimed at evaluating the EASF Police training activities carried out in 2018 as well as plan on the best way to implement the activities for 2019.


EASF Launches First Civilian Foundation Course 2019

Course ParticipantsThe Eastern Africa Standby Force rolled out a two weeks' Civilian Peace Support Operations (PSO) Foundation Course on 1st April 2019 at the Humanitarian Peace Support School (HPSS) in Embakasi, Nairobi, Kenya.



Thursday the 19th. Developed & Powered by EASF