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“Empowering Generations for a Just Future”

RachelAs the world commemorates International Women’s Day 2025, we are reminded that the pursuit of equality is not just a vision, it is a call to action. This year’s theme urges us to break down barriers, uphold equal rights, and create boundless opportunities for all, forging a feminist future where no one is left behind.

At the core of this undertaking lies the empowerment of future generations, equipping young women with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to drive lasting change. Women have long been at the forefront of peacebuilding, governance, and leadership, shaping nations and communities with resilience and vision.

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“The rise of women is not about the fall of men”

OgajaInternational Women's Day provides for a valuable opportunity to buttress the fact that everybody has a part to play in forging a more gender-balanced world. As we enter into an era marked by significant progress and inclusivity, one where gender equality and women’s leadership continue to gain momentum, it is essential to emphasize that the rise of women does not equate to the fall of men. The idea that men must fall in order for women to rise is a misconception that can lead to short-term solutions and perpetuate inequality.

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“Accelerate Action”

ReneeIn marking this year’s International Women’s’ Day, we celebrate all the women leading movements for peace and to rebuild communities.  War, violent conflict, terrorism and violent extremism have differential and devastating consequences for women and girls. 

In the face of this, women are all over the world are leading movements for peace and to rebuild communities, and there is evidence showing that women’s participation in peace processes contributes to longer, more resilient peace after conflict. 

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"Honoring Women's Resilience: A Message to My Younger Self and Every Woman"

DoreenAs we move together into this year's international women's day, I recognize that women are resilient, within them they hold a power when tapped the world will be a better place, their gentle approach to things makes all the fight for peace worth the whole, so today I speak to my younger self and the younger woman, I remind you of you are, what you are, where you are, why you are and how you are.

Remember to use your strength for the benefit of the world at large.

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“Shaping Peace and Security in Africa”

LeahTo what extent will Africans of every gender, identity, ethnicity, faith, ability, and age shape the UN Security Council’s 1325 women, peace and security (WPS) agenda? Is inclusive commitment a fact on the ground, an option just out of reach, or an illusion? Non-violent means of resolving conflict is important because according to the 3N theory, Conflict is normal, conflict is natural and conflict is neutral, it is neither good nor bad. Peace education is key for women and men negotiating for peace at the table.

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"Celebrating Women and Advancing the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda"

As a woman, I feel very proud that women are being celebrated worldwide. I mean, isn't it amazing to see how the world has set aside this important day for the woman race? There are a thousand and one reasons to celebrate women. And of course everyone has a reason for celebrating women. As for me, being a woman in the peace and security space, my celebration is anchored on the wins we have recorded ever since the ground breaking UN Security Council Resolution 1325 was unanimously passed over two decades ago. 

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"Empowering Women for Peace: Celebrating International Women’s Day 2025"

MeaadAs we celebrate International Women’s Day under the theme “For all women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment” we must acknowledge the vital role women play, particularly in times of conflict. While many are at war, women often become the backbone of their families and communities, shouldering economic and social responsibilities, ensuring stability, and protecting their loved ones during displacement.

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Women Educating and Inspiring Generations

IWD_SalomeWomen have always played a pivotal role in shaping the future of our society. Through their wisdom, resilience, and dedication, they educate not only the minds of their children but also inspire entire generations to dream bigger and reach higher.

The old adage goes…. “educate a woman and you educate a whole village”, and from this we know that any knowledge imparted on a woman does not only empower her but also uplifts her community, thus creating a ripple effect of positive change.

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L'EASF et le NARC Renforcent leur Coopération lors du 46eConseil Exécutif de l'UA

Addis-Abeba, 13 Février 2025 - En marge de la 46ème réunion du Conseil Exécutif de l'Union Africaine (UA), la Force en Attente de l'Afrique Orientale (EASF) a tenu une réunion productive avec la Capacité Régionale de l'Afrique du Nord (NARC) au siège de l'UA. La réunion, qui vise à renforcer la collaboration entre les deux entités, s'est déroulée en présence du Général de Brigade (à la retraite) Paul Kahuria Njema, Directeur du Secrétariat de l'EASF, et de M. Ahmed Tajouri, Secrétaire Exécutif du NARC.

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EASF Director Attends 46th AU Executive Council Session in Addis Ababa

AU Executive CouncilBrigadier (Rtd) Paul Kahuaria Njema, Director of the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF), participated in the 46th Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Executive Council, held from February 12 to 13 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The two-day meeting brought together foreign ministers from AU member states, representatives from Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Regional Mechanisms (RMs), and other AU institutions.

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Une Délégation de l'EASF rencontre le Ministre de la Défense de la République du Kenya pour un briefing sur la sécurité régionale

Nairobi, Kenya - 30 Janvier 2025 - Une délégation de haut niveau de la Force en Attente de l'Afrique de l'Est (EASF), dirigée par le Général de Brigade (à la retraite) Paul Kahuria Njema, a rendu visite au Ministre de la Défense du Kenya, Mme Soipan Tuya, ce jeudi, pour une réunion de familiarisation cruciale.

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