Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Deploys Election Observer Mission to Kenya

The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) announces the deployment of its election observation mission (EOM) for the general elections in the Republic of Kenya. H.E. Ambassador Claude Morel from the Republic of Seychelles has been appointed as the Head of Mission.

The leadership team will also include the former Burundian President H.E.  Ntibantunganya Sylvestre as the Advisor to the EOM. The Eastern Africa Standby Force Election Observation Mission (EASF-EOM) will be based in Nairobi and the mission will consist of twenty observers from ten countries in the Eastern Africa Region. General elections in Kenya will take place on 9th August where Kenyan voters will elect the president and deputy president, county governors and running mates, members of the Senate, representatives of the National Assembly and members of County Assemblies. Voting will be held across an estimated 46,232 polling stations across the country.  In preparation for the mission, EASF started its induction training today, Wednesday 3rd August 2022.

The EASF observer teams will be deployed in different counties and will observe the entire voting, closing and counting process in the various counties.

EASF-EOM is expected to release its preliminary statement on Wednesday 10th August 2022. 

Friday the 14th. Developed & Powered by EASF