Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASFCOM Signs MOUs with two Regional Training Institutions

MOUSTo strengthen the training pillars of the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF), the Director of Eastern Africa Standby Force Coordination Mechanism (EASFCOM) signed two Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with Regional Training Institutions on 9th and 9th March 2014.

1) Memorandum of Understanding between the Eastern Africa Standby Force Coordination Mechanism and the Sudan Peace Operations Training Centre on Conduct of Training in Khartoum, the Republic of the Sudan on 11th March 2014; and

2) Memorandum of Understanding between the Eastern Africa Standby Force Coordination Mechanism and the Ethiopian Police University College on Conduct of Training in Sendafa, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on 11th March 2014.

The MOUs formally recognize the regional status of the training institutions, slated to be used for peace support operations (PSO) training, in the respective EASF Member States. The chief purpose of these MOUs is creating appropriate modalities for enhancing demand-driven training capacity building, operational relationship, coherence and coordination between EASFCOM and the Regional Training Institutions for efficient and effective functioning in support of strengthening the training pillars of EASF. Through these MOUs, the regional training institutions committed themselves to promote and maintain excellence in conducting training, developing skills of trainees and preparing them for PSO missions.

To accomplish this, the MOUs ensure cooperation between the Parties, inter alia, on curriculum development, selection of course participants, evaluation of course content and trainings, collection of data about trainings and other requirements. The MOUs also establish a Joint Technical Committee in order to ensure coordination and expedite implementation. Further, the MOUs, establish the necessary mechanisms for securing funds from various sources with the view to strengthening the training capability of the Regional Training Institutions and how those funds would be audited based on international accounting principles.

In the past, EASFCOM had signed similar agreements with the International Peace Support Training Center and the Rwandan Peace Academy. EASFCOM plans to sign other similar MOUs with other Member States in its quest to strengthen its PSO trainings.

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