Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Police Component Concludes Meetings in 2 Member States

Category: News

Head of Police Component, Col. Ali Mohamed Robleh, the Training, Planning and Evaluation officer, Lt. Col. Bashir Kassim and Police Adviser, D/CSP Bjarne Askholm completed in week 41 - the Workplan activity - Venue assessment trip and meetings with Heads of

Police & Gendarmerie in Ethiopia and Djibouti.

Fruitful meetings were conducted in Ethiopia with the Ethiopian Federal Police including a visit to Ethiopian Police University College (EPUC) in Sendafa, where the President of EPUC and Dep. General Police Commissioner Mesfin ABERA met the EASF delegation. Attending the meeting were senior representatives of EPUC, including Head of EPUC International Peace Keeping Training Directorate, Gosaye TADESSE, EASF Police Point of Contact (PPOC) and Head of International Peace Keeping Support Directorate, Comdr. Tegegne AGAJIE. EPUC is a highly valuable partner for continuous Peace Support Operations (PSO) cooperation and EASF training activities.

Similar fruitful meetings were conducted in Djibouti with the head and senior representatives at the Djiboutian Gendarmerie International School for Advanced Criminal Investigation, collocated with the Force Police Unit training facilities. EASF PPOC, Lt.Col. Houmamad Lo'ita HOUMMAD, Chief of International Relations, Chef d'Escadron Houssein Mohamed KAYAD and Director of the "EI3PJ" were in attendance. The training facilities are newly established in very good condition. The EI3PJ is considered a highly valuable partner for continuous PSO cooperation and EASF training activities especially in regard to Formed Police Units'  (FPU) activities in terms of institutional expertise and facilities in that matter.

The visit in Djibouti was concluded by a successful and cooperative meeting with the Head of Djibouti International Gendarmerie, Col. Zakaria Hassan ADEN

A subsequent and positive conclusion too is that, the mandatory due care of COVID-19, together with restrictions and safety measures in various Member States, now enable EASF's duty travels as well as conduct of training activities within the majority of the Member States.


Photo Gallery: Police Component Concludes Meetings in 2 Member States


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