Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Spokespersons' Training Starts in Naivasha, Kenya.

Category: News

A two-days’ spokesperson training for the management of the Eastern Africa Standby Force started on 30th November 2020 in Naivasha, Kenya.

The training focuses on enhancing the capability and competence of participants in undertaking the roles and functions of spokespersons for EASF. It also seeks to provide EASF Senior Staff with skills to effectively deliver time-critical information to various stakeholders as well as the general public.

The Senior Staff team includes the Director, Brig. Gen. Getachew Shiferaw Fayisa, the Head of Administration and Finance, Ms Lina Peggy Hoareau, the EASF Liaison Officer to African Union, Col. John N. Njoroge, the Force Commander, Brig. Gen. Vincent Gatama, the Head of Civilian Component, Mr. Dawit Assefa, the Chief of Staff, Col. Abdallah Rafick among others.    
The content includes specific message development, television and radio interviews, press conference management and how to work with the media especially in a peace support mission.

Two local facilitators  are conducting the training assisted by the EASF Information Manager, Mr. Jules Hoareau.

The training will end on Wednesday, 2nd December 2020.


Photo Gallery: Spokespersons' Training Starts in Naivasha, Kenya.


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