Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Planning for EOM to Ethiopia Starts

Category: News

A three-days' meeting aimed at planning for the Elections' Observation Mission (EOM) to the Federal Republic of Ethiopia was launched at the EASF Secretariat in Karen, Nairobi on 5th May 2021.

The mission's planning team is being led by the Head of Administration and Finance, Ms Lina Peggy Hoareau on behalf of the Director, Brig. Gen. Getachew Fayisa.

Over the last couple of years, the Standby Force has carried out similar missions in its Member States in support of democratic processes which in turn contribute to peace and stability in the region. Such missions successfully carried out by EASF include one to the Republic of Uganda in January 2021, another to the Republic of Seychelles in October 2020 and a prior one to Union of Comoros in March 2019.

The meeting comes to a close on Friday 7th May 2021.


Below: Members of Staff Taking Part in the Planning of the Elections' Observation Mission (EOM) to the Federal Republic of Ethiopia.


Friday the 20th. Developed & Powered by EASF