Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Director Hosts New IPSTC Leader

Category: News

The EASF Director Brig. Gen. Getachew Shiferaw Fayisa hosted the new Director of the International Peace Support Training Center (IPSTC) Brig. Joyce Sitienei at the EASF Secretariat in Karen, Nairobi, on 13th August 2021.

During the meeting, the two leaders discussed a wide range of issues relating to capacity building of personnel from EASF Member States. The IPSTC, which is a regional Center of Excellence, trains personnel from police, civilian and military backgrounds who are then kept on standby ready to be deployed if need arises.

Brig. Gen. Fayisa and Brig. Sitienei explored areas of further cooperation between the two institutions. Such cooperation would bring about a positive impact on capacity building.

Also attending the meeting were the Head of Peace Operations' Department Brig. Gen. Henry Isoke, the Joint Chief of Staff Brig. Gen. Dr. PSC Osman Mohamed Abbas Osman, the IPSTC Chief of Staff Lt. Col. Jonty Ambrose and the EASF Military Assistant Lt. Col. Boniface Chomba.


Photo Gallery: Director Hosts New IPSTC Leader




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