Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EAPCCO Magazine Editorial Team Visits EASF

Category: News

Two officers from the Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation (EAPCCO) magazine editorial team visited the EASF Secretariat in Karen, Nairobi on 26th September 2019. The two officers, whose team is based in Nairobi and work under the Interpol Regional Office, were RSO Sosthenes Makuri and RSO Adooma Hazim.

During the meeting, the EASF Director Dr. Abdillahi Omar Bouh walked the officers along the Standby Force's development path ever since its inception in 2004. He reflected on capacity building initiatives which have gained momentum in the last couple of years meant to maintain and enhance the Full Operational Capability (FOC) gained by the regional peace-keeper in 2014. Dr. Bouh underscored the importance of sharing information among actors in the security sector in order to ensure a safe and secure Eastern Africa.

On behalf of EAPCCO, RSO Sosthenes Makuri expressed the need to build a working relationship with the Standby Force especially in this time that EASF is on continental standby responsible for addressing any crisis which may arise anywhere on the African Continent. RSO Makuri emphasized that the most viable area of cooperation would be working with the Police Component as an initial point of collaboration since both organizations engage themselves with police affairs.

The two organizations pledged to follow up on possible working relationships in the near future. 


Photo Gallery: EAPCCO Magazine Editorial Team Visits EASF

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