Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Civilian Foundation Course

The aim of the course is to provide civilian peace keepers with realistic insight into the conceptual and institutional frameworks of multidimensional Peace Support Operations (PSOs), cross cutting issues and a n overview of core functional areas in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of all the components in a multidimensional PSO.  

The two week course was officially closed by Ambassador Issimail Chanfi, Director of the EASF Secretariat.  In his closing remarks, Chanfi affirmed preparedness of the Standby Force to intervene whenever mandated, in maintaining peace and stability in the Eastern Africa region and the African continent at large.

The course, which is the basic one for peace keepers, provided an opportunity to learn various aspects of PSOs including the Nature of PSOs, Legal and Institutional Frameworks, Mission Structure, Gender Issues, Safety and Security, Child Protectio,n Mine awareness and Map Reading among others.  Participants were also subjected to a practical  simulation exercise that provided awareness of the various scenarios in an actual PSO mission.

Nine out of the ten EASF Member States participated in the course.


Wednesday the 12th. Developed & Powered by EASF