Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Cabinet Secretary of Defence Meets EASF Delegation

The Chairperson of the Eastern Africa Committee of Chiefs and Security (EACDS) and Kenyan Chief of Defence Staff, General Francis Omondi Ogolla, also attended the Meeting.

As part of its efforts in ensuring Peace, Security and Stability in the region, the EASF leadership briefed the principals on the mandate and the achievements of this multidimensional Force as well as the programmes undertaken to provide capability for rapid deployment in Peace Support Operations. The Chairperson of the Council of Ministers reaffirmed his “total support to ensure that the Force realizes it's Mandate of providing capabilities for rapid and preventive deployment on need basis”. Moreover, Hon Aden Bare Duale pointed out “there is need for all the ten Member States to ratify the Agreement and the importance of having frequent joint exercises to enhance capacity building of the Force”.

Also present were the Assistant Chief of Defence Forces in charge of Personnel and Logistics Maj Gen David Keter, the ACDF in charge of Operations, Doctrine and Training Maj Gen Fred Leuria, as well as the Chief of Strategic Plans and Policy, Brig Gen Edward Rugendo. From the EASF, the Director was accompanied by the Head of Administration and Finance, the Legal Advisor and the Executive Assistant to the Director. 

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