Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

ToR For a Consultant to Develop Dynamic Indicators

East African Standby Force

Terms of Reference: Consultancy for the Development of EASF Early Warning Dynamic Indicators

22nd May, 2024 to 21st June 2024

Contracting Authority:  EASF Secretariat


The Eastern Africa Standby Force is mandated to enhance peace and security in the Eastern Africa region.  It is one of the five regional multidimensional Forces of the African Standby Force (ASF) consisting of Military, Police, and Civilian components.  EASF was established as a regional mechanism to provide the capability for rapid deployment of forces to carry out preventive deployment, rapid intervention, peace support/stability operations, and peace enforcement.

Due to the changing nature of peace and security in the region, including the need to address emerging threats, EASF embarked on expanding and restructuring their capacity, and mandate to accommodate new functions in the field of conflict prevention, management, and resolution. This has created a space to contribute to the implementation of APSA through emphasis on conflict prevention instruments such as expanding the EASF early warning capability to facilitate the timely prevention of conflicts in Eastern Africa. To effectively do so, the EASF is developing a events based on dynamic indicators that will assist the force to be more responsive to emerging conflicts in the region. 

Task of the Consultant

Under the direct supervision of the Head Peace Operations at the EASF, and with additional support from other relevant sections within the EASF the Consultant will:

  • Review and analyze the AU’s Dynamic or Events based indicators including those for other RECs and the EASF Strategic plan 2021 – 2025 in general and peace and security strategy in particular in order to develop the EASF Early Warning Dynamic Indicators for all Member States; 
  • Engaging in consultations with key stakeholders, including EASF member states, regional organizations, and subject matter experts, through interviews, workshops, and meetings, to gather insights and recommendations.
  • The Early Warning Mechanism and the recently developed Panel of Elders are the conflict prevention arms of the EASF and it will be critical to take into consideration these two mechanisms as the indicators are being developed;  
  • Since threats to peace and security often start from the national level, the link between national and regional issues is fundamental. Thus, the opportunities, capacity and comparative advantage of EASF to provide support to member countries in matters related to events based conflict prevention must also be considered;
  • The experiences of and from other regional institutions such as ECOWAS, COMESA, and SADC will be fundamental in developing the indicators so this must be taken into consideration.
  • Explore how relationships can be built between Sub-regional, regional institutions and global Partnerships including the AU, EU UN, amongst others in harnessing events based indicators. 
  • Facilitate a workshop to collect inputs from Member States and external stakeholders to enhance the indicators.

 In addition, he/she shall:

  • Provide overall scientific leadership for the project from start to successful completion
  • Oversee the day-to-day administration of the project in liaison with EASF
  • Participate in all consultative meetings with identified stakeholders towards the success of the project
  • Prepare drafts of the Report
  • Review drafts of the report as the process develops
  • Lead consultations (as required) to get inputs from other institutions 
  • Collate and collect all documents emanating from consultations and desktop research
  • Prepare the drafts and final version of the report



The consultant's performance will be evaluated based on the quality and timely delivery of the agreed-upon outputs.



The Detailed Terms of Reference Document may be downloaded from this link




PO BOX 1444-00502








Request for Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services to Conduct an In-depth Performance Assessment of EASF

EASF hereby invites interested parties to submit their sealed bids to the undersigned clearly marked with EASF/CON/IAOP/2024 on or before 06th April 2024.

The detailed document can be downloaded using this link

Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) Secretariat,

P.O Box 1444-00502,

Westwood Park Road, Karen

Nairobi - Kenya

Email : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Phone: +254 20 3884720


 NB: Electronic bids/applications will not be accepted and late OR incomplete submission(s) will be rejected.




Expression of Interest for EASF Early Warning System Consultant

Expression of interest-hiring an Expert Consultant to develop a Framework on Collaboration between the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) Early Warning System and Member States Early Warning Mechanisms and other Agencies.

The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) is a Regional Organization composed of ten Member States in the Eastern Africa Region dedicated to Promoting Peace, Security and Stability in the Region. According to the Agreement on the Establishment of EASF, its mandate is to handle Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution within the Region.

In this regard, the EASF recognizes the critical role of Early Warning Systems in preventing conflicts and effectively addressing emerging security threats. To strengthen the collaborative efforts between the EASF and its Member States, there is a need to develop a comprehensive framework and guidelines for Early Warning collaboration.

The Expert Consultant will play a pivotal role in developing a comprehensive Early Warning Collaboration Framework and Guidelines for the EASF and its Member States, contributing to enhanced collaboration, information sharing, and joint decision-making in preventing Conflicts and addressing emerging security threats in the Eastern Africa Region.

Click the link below to download the vacancy document: 

Link: Expression of Interest for EASF Early Warning System Consultant



The Procurement Officer
EASF Secretariat Westwood Park Road
P O Box 1444-00502 NAIROBI-KENYA
Office Contacts:           +254 20 3884720
                                      +254 20 3884633     

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