Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Sudanese Higher Military Academy Visits EASF FHQ

A number of officers from Sudanese Higher Military Academy paid the EASF Force Headquarters located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia a visit during the 39th week of 2018. The delegation's visit aimed at familiarizing the students with the roles and responsibilities

of the regional peace-keeper in Peace Support Operations within Eastern Africa and beyond.

Receiving the delegation at the Force Headquarters was the EASF Force Commander, Brigadier General Alaadin Osman Mirghani accompanied by the Logistics Training Center Commandant, Colonel Chaharane Mogne. The visitors were elaborately briefed on the working and achievements of the Standby Force ever since its inception in 2004. In course of the visit, the students had an opportunity to tour the EASF's Logistics' Base as well as the Logistics' Training Center which are also located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Sudan, one of EASF's ten Member States, successfully hosted the EASF 2017 Field Training Exercise code-named Mashariki Salaam II in Gebeiet Province of the Red Sea State.


 Photo Gallery: Sudanese Higher Military Academy Visits EASF Force Headquarters




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