Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

African Integrated Crisis Management Course Starts

The Eastern Africa Standby Force launched a one-week African Integrated Crisis Management (AICM) Course at the Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) Leadership Center in Nairobi, Kenya, on 12th March 2017.

The course aims at enhancing the knowledge and understanding of integrated crisis management approaches as well as improving collaboration and coordination among the main key players namely, Military, Civilian Humanitarian and Development Aid actors. The role of the United Nations Regional Arrangements and Approaches in Crisis Management offers a solid foundation upon which the course is based. The course leans heavily on understanding African Union's Peace Support Operations (PSO) approaches which are based on the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA).

The AICM course, which comes to an end on Friday 16th March 2018, has drawn participants from EASF Member States and is financially supported by the Nordic Advisory and Coordination Staff (NACS).


Photo-Gallery: The African Integrated Crisis Management Course Starts


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