Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Rwanda Defence and Police Attaches Call on Director

The Rwanda Defence Attache at the Rwandese Embassy in Nairobi Brig. Gen. Joseph Demali together with the Police Attache, Assistant Commissioner of Police Stephen Rukumba paid the EASF Director Brig. Gen. Getachew Shiferaw Fayisa a courtesy call on

Friday 26th February 2021 at the Secretariat in Karen, Nairobi.

The meeting focused largely on EASF's capacity building initiatives which aim at maintaining a readily deployable force at all times.

The Republic of Rwanda, which is one of the 10 EASF Member States, is the home to one of widely recognized Centers of Excellence in the region, namely, the Rwanda Peace Academy (RPA).

The RPA has on numerous occasions conducted Peace Support Operations' (PSO) trainings on behalf of the regional peace keeper. These PSO-trained personnel are maintained in EASF Member States and can be called upon to engage in peace keeping activities in the region and beyond should need arise at any given time.


Photo Gallery: Rwanda Defence and Police Attaches Call on Director


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